Hi, my name is Jeremy Moon
I am a
Software Engineer
About Me
Bachelor of Science in Engineering in Data Science
University of Michigan
Currently located in
Ann Arbor, MI
Currently building
Coding hours
Featured Projects
An AI-powered voice interface for crash detection and optimized route rerouting.
Live Demo
Gym.ai allows you to upload your own lifting videos and get personalized feedback on your exercise form.
Live Demo
Crypto Moon
A website that allows users to track the top 10 cryptocurrencies by market cap. (Link loads slowly)
Live Demo
Real vs. Fake Face Detector
A trained EfficientNet-B5 model to determine whether a picture of a face is fake or not.
Live Demo
My Education
University of Michigan—Ann Arbor
Bachelor of Science in Engineering in Data Science
GPA: 3.96/4.00
Relevant Coursework
- EECS 398 - Practical Data Science (Current)
- EECS 376 - Foundations of Computer Science
- EECS 281 - Data Structures and Algorithms
- EECS 280 - Programming (OOP) and Intro Data Structures
- EECS 203 - Discrete Mathematics
- MATH 217 - Linear Algebra
- Calculus 1, 2, 3
- Michigan Data Science Team (MDST)
- Michigan Student Artificial Intelligence Lab (MSAIL)
- Korean-American Scientists and Engineers Association (KSEA)
- William J. Branstrom Freshman Prize (Top 5%)
- 2x Dean's Honor List
- University Honors